Internal Auditing to Add Value for The Golden jubilee Museum of Agriculture Office (Public Organization)

Main Article Content

Oraphin Nimwanno
Chanattee Poompruk


     Academic article titled “Internal Auditing to Add Value for The Golden jubilee Museum of Agriculture Office (Public Organization)” is a communication to assure the organization that the internal audit will proceed with fairness, which creates added value to the agency and those involved. To enable the agency to improve its operations to be more efficient and effective. The internal audit will be conducted in the form of consulting, advice or written reporting or otherwise as it deems appropriate. with the determination to ensure that the operations of the agency can achieve the goals as set and in accordance with the expectations of the management towards the internal audit unit of the office.
     Internal audit the internal auditors perform internal audits independently through assurance services and consulting services. It is a guarantee to assess the operational efficiency and effectiveness of the agency's operations. whether in management or finance before presenting to the management, the agency's committee was informed. To improve the operations of the agency to achieve the goals and objectives set. Management and use of various resources that are worthwhile for maximum benefit. Moreover, the quality and reliable internal audit can also reduce various risks from the operation of the unit to a certain extent.
Article history: Received 23 June 2023  
                            Revised 10 April 2024
                            Accepted 15 April 2024  
                            SIMILARITY INDEX = 1.35 %

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How to Cite
Nimwanno, O., & Poompruk, C. (2024). Internal Auditing to Add Value for The Golden jubilee Museum of Agriculture Office (Public Organization). Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 11(1), 100–113.
Research Articles


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