The Factor that Affecting Democratic Expression Participation of Generation Z in Bangkok
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This study aimed to 1) Investigate the level of democratic expression participation of Generation Z in Bangkok, 2) Study and compare the relationship between personal factors of Generation Z in Bangkok and democratic expression participation, and 3) Study the factors affecting the democratic expression participation of Generation Z in Bangkok. This was a quantitative research study using a questionnaire with a sample is generation Z in Bangkok. The participants were selected through non-probability sampling by Convenience Sampling totaling 400 individuals.
The study found that 1) The democratic Expression Participation of Generation Z in Bangkok had a high average score. 2) There was a statistically significant difference in democratic expression participation based on education, occupation, and monthly income. And (3) The factors affecting the democratic expression participation include compensation and psychological and the equation had a predictive power of 53.10%. The equation can be written as follows
Ytot = 0.129 + 0.063 (Political knowledge) + 0.172 (Psychological) + 0.056 (Perception of political news) + 0.580 (Compensation)
Article history: Received 4 March 2024
Revised 24 April 2024
Accepted 26 April 2024
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