Government organizations Management in the 21st Century

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Jiraporn Chananchana
Amnuay Boonrattanamaitree
Thitima Holumyong


     Government organizations currently confront challenges stemming from diverse changes, such as technological advancements, the global dissemination of COVID-19, and the intricacy of issues necessitating solutions. These challenges have prompted government organizations to adjust to an innovative organizational model, as conventional management approaches are no longer apt. Organizations must undergo structural transformations to endure and prosper.
     This article posits management guidelines for government organizations in the 21st century, shifting toward an innovative organizational model. This model encompasses several components, including collaboration between the public and private sectors, transparency, and citizen participation. It underscores risk management and security, the reconfiguration of management systems, the significance of knowledge management, effective leadership, and organizational restructuring. These components function as a roadmap for the development of government organizations in the 21st century, ensuring efficiency and innovation.
Article history: Received 13 November 2023   
                            Revised 25 January 2024      
                            Accepted 29 January 2024      
                            SIMILARITY INDEX = 5.82 %

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How to Cite
Chananchana, J., Boonrattanamaitree, A., & Holumyong, T. (2024). Government organizations Management in the 21st Century. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 11(1), 17–28.
Research Articles


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