The influence of knowledge management on the preventive behavior against COVID-19 risk among students of Western University, Kanchanaburi
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The results of the research revealed that
1) When comparing the preventive behaviors against COVID-19 risk among students at Western University, Kanchanaburi, statistically significant differences were observed in all aspects. The top three differences in preventive behaviors before and after the study were: maintaining a distance of about 1-2 meters when conversing with others, avoiding the consumption of raw or undercooked food, and wearing face masks when leaving home, in that order.
2) The influence of knowledge management on the prevention and control of COVID-19 among students was evidenced by knowledge utilization (b=0.40) and knowledge creation (b=0.23). Factors that had an effect, but not to a statistically significant degree, included knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing, and knowledge storing. The predictive power of the equation was 56.30%, and it could be written as follows:
Ytot =0.31+011X1+0.23X2**+0.14X3+0.40X4**+0.05X5
Article history: Received 21 December 2023
Revised 15 January 2024
Accepted 17 January 2024
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