The Impact of Online Social Media Marketing on Technology Access Among the Elderly in Thailand
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The research findings are:
1. The access to technology among the elderly in Thailand significantly differs statistically in terms of education level and average monthly income.
2. The factors in online social media marketing that affect the technology access of the elderly in Thailand include Promotion and Engagement (b= 0.33), Information and Assistance (b=0.19), Advice and Selling Products (b= 0.15), Customer Retention (b= 0.12), and Service and Support (b= 0.06), in that order. The equation has a predictive power of 72.60%, and can be written as follows:
Ytot = 0.66+0.33X1**+0.19X2**+0.15X3**+0.06X4**+0.12X5**
Article history: Received 25 April 2023
Revised 28 September 2023
Accepted 2 October 2023
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