The Causal relationship affecting entrepreneur printing product label business competitive advantage in Thailand
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This research aims (1) to study the causal factors influencing the competitive advantage of the label printing business in Thailand; (2) to study the conformity of the structural equation model of the relationship of competitive advantage factors and the empirical data; and (3) to develop a competitive advantage model of label printing entrepreneurs in Thailand. This research is mixed method research. For the quantitative method, this research employed a stratified random sampling method from a population of 1,641. The sample size was determined according to the criteria of Hair et al. The sample group consisted of 400 label printing entrepreneurs. For the qualitative method, this study employed a purposive random sampling method for 15 people, including entrepreneurs and experts. The tool used for collecting data was a questionnaire. The statistics used in this research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and structural equation model analysis by LISREL software.
The results indicated that: (1) the business agility, productivity enhancement, business innovation management, supply chain performance, competitive advantage that directly influenced the competitive advantage which is consistent with the established research hypothesis, a harmony index of competitive advantage factor correlation; (2) the model harmonized with the empirical data. The six harmonious indices that passed the acceptance criteria were the index values of X2/df = 3.616, CFI = 0.910, GFI = 0.832, AGFI = 0.779, RMSEA = 0.0100, and SRMR = 0.017. The structural equation modeling well suited to the empirical data, namely index values of X2/df = 1.159, CFI = 0.996, GFI = 0.957, AGFI = 0.920, RMSEA = 0.025, and SRMR = 0.010.; and (3) the competitive advantage of label printing entrepreneurs in Thailand consists of key elements including business innovation management, supply chain performance, business agility, and productivity enhancement.
Article history: Received 4 April 2022
Revised 23 May 2022
Accepted 25 May 2022
SIMILARITY INDEX = 4.96 %..........................
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