Antecedents of perceived organization support and organizational citizenship behavior towards medical representative retention in pharmaceutical industry of Thailand
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The objectives of this research were (1) to study the antecedents of causal factors influencing the perceived organization support and organizational citizenship behavior toward the employee retention of medical representatives of the pharmaceutical industry in Thailand and (2) to study the opinions of specialize medical representatives in the antecedents of casual factors toward the perceived organization support and organizational citizenship behavior influencing the employee retention of medical representatives of the pharmaceutical industry in Thailand. Mixed Method Research were used in this research. Quantitative research data were collected by questionnaires from 533medical representatives by multi-stage sampling and analyzed by structural equation modeling. Qualitative research data were from five key informants who were random by purposive sampling and analyzed by inductive method to support quantitative research results.
The results indicated that: (1) Research casual model and empirical data were concordant. The variance of medical representative retention was 88percent, with /df= 1.30 P=0.07 and RMSEA=0.02. Perceived organizational support had the highest overall influence on employee retention at 0.75 and job involvement had a negative effect toward employee retention at -0.20on statistically significant at the 0.05 level. (2) Qualitative research results supported all quantitative results. In particular, job involvement had a negative effect toward employee retention. The finding from the interview found that if the medical representatives were involved in recognizing targeted compensation, they compared it with other companies which caused job transference to other companies.
Article history : Received 19 December 2021
Revised 26 January 2022
Accepted 28 January 2022
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