Influence of Employee Engagement as the Mediator Between Human Resource Management and Employee Satisfaction Affecting the Employee Retention of A Company in The Plastic Packaging Industry Rayong Province.
Main Article Content
This objective of this research is to 1) study the level of human resource management, employee engagement, employee satisfaction and employee retention of a company in the plastic packaging industry, Rayong Province, 2) study the employee engagement as the mediator between the human resource management and the employee retention of a company in the plastic packaging industry, Rayong Province, and 3) study the employee engagement as the mediator between the employee satisfaction and the employee retention of a company in the plastic packaging industry, Rayong Province. The samples used in this research were 100 employees of a company in the plastic packaging industry, Rayong Province, by Purposive Sampling. The statistics used in this research consist of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation values. The structural equation model (SEM) was analyzed by using the Smart PLS 3.0 program.
As results, it was found that the (1) employees of a company in the plastic packaging industry, Rayong province, have the overall level of human resource management, employee satisfaction, employee engagement and employee retention at a high level with the mean values of 3.00, 3.81, 3.81 and 3.25, and the standard deviations of 0.751, 0.813, 0.813 and 0.812, respectively, (2) for the factors directly influencing employee retention (ER), it was found that human resource management (HRM), employee satisfaction (ES) and employee engagement (EE) were 0.052, 0.635 and 0.279, respectively. The human resource management (HRM) and employee satisfaction (ES) indirectly influenced employee retention (ER) with the values of 0.056 and 0.153, respectively, and (3) for the overall factors affecting employee engagement (EE), it was found that the human resource management (HRM) and employee satisfaction (ES) were 0.200 and 0.547, respectively. Results of this research show that the human resource management resulting in employee engagement. In the same way, the job satisfaction also affects the engagement. The employee engagement is a key variable which directly benefits the retention of employees.
Article history : Received 30 July 2021
Revised 1 October 2021
Accepted 4 October 2021
Article Details

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