The Guideline of Eco-tourism Management through the Community based Participation on Raroeng Sub-district, Nakhon Ratchasima Province.
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The objective of this research aims to 1) guideline for developing the Eco-tourism package and 2) guideline for the Eco-tourism management through the community-based participation on Raroeng Sub-district, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The key informant in this research were people involved in tourism management as selected by purposive sampling including 2 tourist entrepreneurs, 5 homestay owners, 5 officers of subdistrict administrative organization, 14 local philosophers, 20 local leaders and house wives’ group, 29 subdistrict headman, village headman and assistant village headmen, 46 tourists. The total of key informant were 121 people. The quantitative data were examined by Triangulation Method. The data of time, tourist places, people in the area were collected by structured interview, focus group and brainstorming. Then the results were analyzed by contents.
The findings indicated that guideline for developing the Eco-tourism community-based participation package should be in according to way of life of community. The conservation highly remained environmental resource in the community such as Raroeng field, Klong Din Dam waterfall, Klong Kum waterfall, local bird-watching and wild animal sight, mushroom picking, experiencing bicycle trial and learning local daily living such as food preservation, snack, daily instruments, farms and local homestay for 2 days and one night. The Eco-tourism management also established the structure of administration and roles of committees of developing tourist plan, promoting the tourism of the community for driving tourism community-based participation. The local people took part in forming tourist club, promoting tourist program to tourists and developing continuously local product.
Article history : Received 15 July 2021
Revised 17 September 2021
Accepted 20 September 2021
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