Conditions for the Success of the Social Enterprise Operation of Community in Suphanburi Province.
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This research purpose for 1) study the social enterprise operation process of community enterprises in Suphanburi province. 2) study the success conditions in social enterprise operation of community enterprises in Suphanburi province. This research uses a qualitative research methodology. The main informants are : chairman and members of Ka Sed In See Thung Thong Yung Yuen and Ruen Thai Ban Bang Mae Mai Homestay the community enterprise group. Including government officials from Suphanburi provincial agriculture and cooperatives office and officials from Pra Cha Rat Rak Sa Mak Kee company, Suphanburi province. A total of 10 keys contributors. The research instrument was a semi-structured interview and use document analysis qualitative data analysis by creating foundation theory and content analysis.
The results of the research were as follows: 1. Operation of social enterprises of community enterprises in Suphanburi province has the following processes: 1) Creating products for social goals by relying on costs in the community to create products and services. 2) To build financial stability by establishing a fund as reserve funds for group management. 3) Environmentally friendly operations by working in every step of the group, taking into account the environment. 4) Returning returns to community and society by using labor of members and products of the group. 5) Building knowledge from the community, through the form of transmission from generation to generation through activities. 2. The conditions for the success of social enterprise operations of community enterprises in Suphanburi province consist of 1) Entrepreneurial leadership by planning and managing to lead the group to the goals that are set. 2) Product development to be creative by creating differentiation and diversity for consumers. 3) good management by operating according to the plan with transparency. 4) The participation of local communities, where people in the community support and cooperate with group actions or activities. 5) Cooperation from the network by providing advice, knowledge, including capital for business operations. 6) Success from business operations by solving problems that arise in the community and the group is stable. This research suggests that should have a policy to support promote creativity of products or services from agency to be of interest to consumers, which help solve the income problem of the people in the community. This process leads to the formation of a social enterprise group in the community.
Article history : Received 4 October 2021
Revised 28 December 2021
Accepted 9 January 2022
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