Factors Influencing the Decision to Stay Living in the Residence of the Consumers in Chachoengsao.
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Research on Factors influencing the decision to rent an apartment for living in Chachoengsao Province. The objective of this research was to study personal factors influencing the decision making to stay in residence of the consumers in Chachoengsao and factors of marketing influencing the decision making to stay in residence of the consumers in Chachoengsao. The sample group was 4 0 0 apartment tenants in Chachoengsao province. The hypothesis test was used to analyze the statistical results, namely the relationship analysis, Chi-square test, coefficient analysis, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Multiple's Regression Analysis.
The results showed that most of the samples were female with the age between 18-25 years old, single status, occupation of private company employees, with the average income of not more than 9,000 baht per month. test that hypothesis. Marital status and occupation is related to the decision to rent an apartment for living in Chachoengsao Province Significantly at the 0.01 level, marketing factors that influence the decision to rent an apartment to live in the province include the product, price, communications at the point of service and the customer relationship management. statistically significant at the 0.01 level, the influence was effective. accounted for 73.70 percent
Article history : Received 15 May 2021
Revised 16 July 2021
Accepted 20 July 2021
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