A study of supplier relationship management efficiency for Big bike industry at Amata City Rayong
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This research is a quantitative research. (Quantitative Research) by using survey research (Survey Research Method) with the objective To study relationship management with trading partners On the results of operations, a case study of the entrepreneurs of the Big bike motorcycle business in Amata City Industrial Estate, Rayong Province, the sample group in this study is 50 entrepreneurs of Big bike motorcycle business in Amata City Industrial Estate, Rayong Province. By using Purposive Sampling, 5 questionnaires were sent to each supplier of inputs for a total of 250 sets. The hypothesis was tested using statistics. Multiple Regression Analysis
The results of the study showed that Managing relationships with trading partners that affect performance The internal processes of Big bike motorcycle entrepreneurs were demand response factor (Beta = 0.323), communication factor (Beta = 0.245) and cooperation factor (Beta = 0.199) at a statistically significant level of 0.05. It was found that the management of relationships with trading partners affected the performance. The customer side was the communication factor (Beta = 0.270), the demand response factor (Beta = 0.211) and the cooperation factor (Beta = 0.179) at the statistical significance level 0.05. Relationships with trading partners affect results of operations the financial aspects of the Big bike motorcycle entrepreneurs were communication factor (Beta = 0.257), cooperation factor (Beta = 0.208) and demand response factor (Beta = 0.182) at the statistical significance level 0.05. Relationships with trading partners affect results of operations the learning and development factors of Big bike motorcycle entrepreneurs were communication factor (Beta = 0.331) and demand response factor (Beta = 0.220) at a statistically significant level of 0.05.
Article history : Received 20 January 2021
Revised 9 May 2021
Accepted 11 May 2021
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