Guidelines for Improving Public Sector Management Quality Award (PMQA) of Hua Hin Police Station Prachuap Khiri Khan Province
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This research aimed to study: (1) Study the level of improving public sector management quality award (PMQA) of Hua Hin Police Station Prachuap Khiri Khan Province (2) Study the factors that affect public sector management quality award (PMQA) influence the public sector management quality award (PMQA) of Hua Hin Police Station. Prachuap Khiri Khan Province (3) Study the guidelines for improving the public sector management quality award (PMQA) of Hua Hin Provincial Police Station Prachuap Khiri Khan Province sample group used in the quantitative research consisted of 203 police officers and commissioned officers working at Hua Hin Provincial Police Station, using stratified random sampling. The questionnaire was used as a research tool. Data were treated and analyzed by using descriptive and Inferential Statistics methods, which were percentage, mean, standard deviation and Multiple Regression Analysis. The qualitative research, use in-depth interviews from key informants, including supervisors working in traffic agencies, investigations, investigations, administrative and suppression operations. Of Hua Hin Police Station, each unit is 1 person, for a total of 5 people.
1. The level of Public public sector management quality award (PMQA) of Hua Hin Provincial Police Station Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, in general, the quality development is at a high level. When considering each aspect, it is found that the aspects that have quality development at a high level in the following order Assessment Human resource focus, measurement, analysis and knowledge management Strategic planning The aspects that had quality development at a medium level were the organization leadership. Process management and in giving importance to service recipients and interested parties
2. Factors that affect the public sector management quality award (PMQA) quality development of corporate culture Personnel participation and knowledge Influence on the development of public sector management quality award (PMQA) of Hua Hin Police Station. Prachuap Khiri Khan Province with a statistical significance of 0.001 in terms of the clarity of the organizational structure influence on the development of public sector management quality award (PMQA) of Hua Hin Police Station. Prachuap Khiri Khan Province With statistical significance at the level of 0.01
3. Guidelines for the Development of Public Management Quality (PMQA) of the Hua Hin Police Station Prachuap Khiri Khan Province found that the Hua Hin Police Station Prachuap Khiri Khan Province The vision and mission are set. With self-supervision assessment And decentralization of decision-making power for personnel to work properly There is a strategic planning in action that is consistent with the current situation. And must also comply with the long-term national strategy Mainly think of the interests of the people Data and information are collected and managed for personnel to use in their operations. There is a promotion of personnel to perform their duties to develop their own potential in terms of skills. And expertise in various positions and duties, there is an improvement in administrative processes in the service of people. And there are processes in every step in the performance of the staff Come to check the performance results.
Article history : Received 4 August 2020
Revised 19 December 2020
Accepted 24 December 2020
Article Details

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