Guidelines for Strategic Management of Local Development under Thailand 4.0 Policy of Phanthainorasing Subdistrict Administrative Organization Mueang Samut Sakhon District Samut Sakhon Province
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This research aimed to study: (1) Study of the level of local administrative development strategy of Phanthai Norasing Subdistrict Administration Organization Mueang Samut Sakhon District (2) Studying the application of Thailand 4.0 policy to affect the local development strategy management of Phanthai Norasing Subdistrict Administration Organization Mueang Samut Sakhon District (3) Study the guidelines for local development strategy administration under the Thailand 4.0 policy of Phanthainorasing Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Mueang Samut Sakhon District Samut Sakhon Province The sample group used in the research was the people living in the Phanthai Norasing Subdistrict Administrative Organization Mueang Samut Sakhon District Samutsakhon Province, 395 people. Key informants in the in-depth interview (the president of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization Sub-district Vice President of Phanthai Norasing Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Deputy Chief of Phantainorasing Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Deputy Chief of Phantainorasing Subdistrict Administrative Organization Director of Social Welfare Division Phanthai Norasing Subdistrict Administrative Organization and Head of Policy and Planning Division, Acting Chief of Office of the Permanent Secretary Phanthai Norasing Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Data were treated and analyzed by using descriptive and Inferential Statistics methods, which were percentage, mean, standard deviation and Multiple Regression Analysis.
1. Administration level of local development strategy of Phanthai Norasing Subdistrict Administration Organization Mueang Samut Sakhon District Samut Sakhon province as a whole, has a high level of strategic management. When considering each aspect, it is found that the aspect that has strategic management at a high level in the following order Good management Public service, social, environmental and tourism the aspects that had strategic management at a medium level were education, religion and culture.
2. There were causal relationships between the application of Thailand 4.0 policy in terms of Innovation, Technology, Creativity, and Collaboration and the local administrative development strategies at the statistic significant level of 0.001
3. Local Development Strategy Management Guidelines under the Policy of Thailand 4.0 of Phantainorasing Subdistrict Administrative Organization Mueang Samut Sakhon District Samut Sakhon Province found that the SAO has developed public services to local people to be ready for use. The education system is promoted There is a development, promotion and support for the care of local natural resources. There is promotion, correction, prevention and resistance to drugs. There is support for social welfare and social work. There is an improvement and development of competencies and working culture of personnel.
Article history : Received 5 August 2020
Revised 4 November 2020
Accepted 6 November 2020
Article Details

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