The Principles of Good Governance Affecting Service Quality Management of Nakhon Pathom Government Center
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The purposes of this study were: to compare the levels of customer satisfaction towards service quality management at Nakhon Pathom government center classified by personal factors and to analyze good governance that effects on service quality management at Nakhon Pathom government center. The samples from this study consisted of 388 individuals who were served by Nakhon Pathom government center. The research instrument was the questionnaires. For the statistics that used to analyze descriptive data were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and inference statistics were t-test and One-way ANOVA, and Multiple Linear Regression.
Findings reveal that:
1) The levels of customer satisfaction towards service quality management at Nakhon Pathom government center in overall are not significantly different at 0.05 level between customers with different gender, ages, academic level, occupations, and average income;
2) The results of Multiple Linear Regression analysis found that there were five principles of good governance are able to explain the variation of customer satisfaction towards service quality management at Nakhon Pathom government center by 46.80. When considering the independent variables that have a prediction power on customer satisfaction towards service quality management include accountability (b = 0.170), merit (b = 0.135), effectiveness and efficiency (b = 0.131), , participation (b = 0.126) and rule of law (b = 0.093). The regression equation was
ŷ = 1.341+0.093x1**+0.135x2**+0.057x3+0.126x4**+0.170x5**+0.131x6**
Article history : Received 8 March 2021
Revised 15 April 2021
Accepted 29 April 2021
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