The Effects of Customer Satisfaction and Its Effects on The Advocacy of Toyota and Honda Car Users in Bangkok Thailand.

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Atchara Unarat


                This research aims to study the direct and indirect effects of the expectation factor, perceived quality, perceived value, satisfaction, complaint handling, and loyalty towards advocacy. The samples used in the research were collected from Toyota and Honda car cars. The total sample size consists of 600 individuals, 300 or half of which are Toyota car users and the latter being Honda car users. The statistics used in analyses were in percentages, mean, standard deviation, confirmation element analysis and structural equation modeling.
                The results of the study showed that the expectation of car users had a positive impact on their perceived quality and satisfaction; however, there was no positive impact on the perceived value. Furthermore, perceived quality has a positive impact on the perceived value and satisfaction. Perceived value has a positive effect on satisfaction. Additionally, satisfaction has a positive impact on complaint handling and loyalty, although no positive impact on advocacy was found. Complaint handling has a positive impact on loyalty and advocacy. Lastly, loyalty has a positive impact on advocacy. Results from the studies of both Toyota and Honda executives can be applied to create a perceived quality that is consistent with expectations. In order for customers to realize the perceived value, they must be satisfied with the efficiency of complaint handling, which would in turn increase customers’ loyalty, thus promoting advocacy.

Article history : Received 3 March 2021
                             Revised 14 April 2021
                             Accepted 26 April 2021
                             SIMILARITY INDEX = 0.70 %

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How to Cite
Unarat, A. . (2023). The Effects of Customer Satisfaction and Its Effects on The Advocacy of Toyota and Honda Car Users in Bangkok Thailand . Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 8(2), 302–321. (Original work published December 31, 2021)
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