Factors Affecting The Quality of Work Life of Personnel in The Department of Employment, Ministry of Labour

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Niwat Rungsoi


                The objective of this research was to compare factors affecting the quality of work of personnel in the Department of Employment, Ministry of Labour that classified by individual factors of personnel. This research was quantitative research. The population was 1,258 people and a multistage sampling was performed from the calculations of the formula of Krejcie and Morgan that a sample group consisted of 300 people. A questionnaire used as a tool for collecting data. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and One- Way ANOVA.
                The result indicated that the comparison of factors affecting the quality of work life of personnel in the Department of Employment, Ministry of Labour: concluded that the overall was not different at statistically significant .05, except, regarding the fair and reasonable compensation, opinions differed on education level and monthly income: environmental hygiene and safety have different opinions about sex: job progress and security, there are different opinions on sex: and in social performance, differing opinions on monthly income. In terms of human competence development, social integration, work regulations and work-life balance, there was no statistically significant difference at .05 level.

Article history : Received 9 March 2021
                             Revised 4 April 2021
                             Accepted 7 April 2021
                             SIMILARITY INDEX = 6.96 %

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How to Cite
Rungsoi, N. . (2021). Factors Affecting The Quality of Work Life of Personnel in The Department of Employment, Ministry of Labour. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 8(2), 288–301. https://doi.org/10.14456/jmsnpru.2021.47
Research Articles


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