Factors in Considering Loan Applications from Venture Capital for Small and Medium Enterprises in Thailand a Case Study of The Tourism Business Service Sector
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This research aimed to 1) study demographic factors which affect the decision to request loans from Venture Capital Business for small and medium sized enterprises in Thailand. A case study of the tourism business service. 2) study the level of important of factors in considering Loan applications from Venture Capital Business for small and medium sized enterprises in Thailand. A case study of the tourism business service. 3) study the relation between the factors in considering Loan applications and the decision to request loans from Venture Capital Business for small and medium sized enterprises in Thailand.
This research is qualitative research. The sample for this research is SMEs entrepreneurs from the Tourism Industry in Thailand such as hotels, accommodations, restaurants, Travel Agents in Thailand. The techniques that were used for this study is convenience sampling. The sample was 400 SMEs entrepreneurs from the Tourism Industry in Thailand by using the questionnaire to collect the data. The statistical techniques that used to be analyzed for this research are frequency, percentage, means and standard deviation, hypothesis testing. The research hypothesis used T-test, One-way ANOVA or F-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient for analyzing.
The research results were as follows: 1. Demographic factors are male age education level experience to run business and total amount to request loans. These factors will affect for considering Loan applications differently. 2. The samples’ perceived important levels of factors in considering Loan applications from Venture Capital Business which overall are moderate. The order will be 2.1 Entrepreneurship and management team 2.2 product and service characteristics 2.3 Marketing characteristics and 2.4 Financial characteristics. 3. The result of analysis by using Pearson's correlation coefficient is that factors in considering Loan applications which are Entrepreneurs and Management Team Products and Services Characteristics Marketing Characteristics and Financial Characteristics had relationship with the decision to apply from Venture Capital Business which is statistically significant at the .05 level.
Article history : Received 6 January 2021
Revised 18 March 2021
Accepted 22 March 2021
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