Talent Management in Restaurant Business for Competitive Advantage

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Chanchira Chattrawanit
Prasopchai Pasunon


                The restaurant business currently faces changing competitive environments, economics, politics, societies, and service workers. The important tools of these competitions are human resource management and talent management. Likewise, efficient and effective personnel management plays a crucial role in the competition of the sustainable restaurant business. Therefore, the purposes of this research were to study the definitions and traits of talented people, talent management, and the guidelines for developing talented people in the restaurant business. This study could be beneficial for the restaurant business in order to apply talent management and gain sustainable competitive advantages in business

Article history : Received 27 October 2020
                             Revised 21 January 2021
                             Accepted 28 January 2021
                             SIMILARITY INDEX = 2.82 %

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How to Cite
Chattrawanit , C. ., & Pasunon, P. . (2023). Talent Management in Restaurant Business for Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 8(2), 152–166. https://doi.org/10.14456/jmsnpru.2021.38 (Original work published December 31, 2021)
Research Articles


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