Brand Personality Influencing Customers’ Intention to Purchase at Thai Restaurant Chains in Bangkok, Thailand: The Mediating Role of Online Word-of-Mouth.

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Sruangporn Satchapappichit


                Brand personality is an important factor in marketing. Brand personality is the attempt to form an emotional bond between customers and the brand in order to help boost profitability. It also can be applied to differentiate one’s brand from other similar brands and help it stand out. Without specialization, a commodity that is selling has to use price promotions or the brand is going to stagnate or eventually decline. For this reason, the aim of this study is to investigate if brand personality and online word-of-mouth are factors that influence customers’ purchase intention in the restaurant sector, especially Thai restaurant chains. A sample of 360 students was drawn using convenience sampling from the target population. Data was collected using questionnaires. This study used the structural equation modeling: SEM to test hypotheses. The results of the study showed that brand personality and online word-of-mouth have positive and significant effects on customers’ purchase intentions. Furthermore, there was a significant mediating effect of online word-of-mouth between brand personality and purchase intention. The study also recommends that restaurant managers and marketers focus on brand personality and online communication channels, and update their marketing strategy to attract more customers for Thai restaurant chain brands that can lead to purchase intention.

Article history: Received 14 February 2019
                            Revised 10 March 2020
                            Accepted 13 March 2020
                            SIMILARITY INDEX = 0.00 %

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How to Cite
Satchapappichit, S. (2020). Brand Personality Influencing Customers’ Intention to Purchase at Thai Restaurant Chains in Bangkok, Thailand: The Mediating Role of Online Word-of-Mouth . Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 7(2), 171–187.
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