Relationship between Financial Ratios and Prices of common share in Energy and Utilities business, which is registered in the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Main Article Content
This study is about the relationship between financial ratios and the price of common share in energy and utilities business, which is registered in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. This study uses the secondary data of 12 companies’ securities traded in the Stock Exchange of Thailand from 2008-2017. Five types of financial ratios, which are profitability ratio, efficiency ratio, liquidity ratio, leverage ratio, and market value ratio (8 ratios) are used in the study.
In conclusion, the most statistical significant financial ratios that have relationship with the change of stock price in energy and utilities business is Earnings per Share (EPS). EPS is related to every security’s common stock price in 12 companies’ securities. The relationship between them is in positive way or in the same direction with changes in stock price of securities which shows that Earnings per Share (EPS) can be used as a key variable to explain trend of stock price movement in energy and utilities business.
Article history : Received 7 June 2018
Revised 1 October 2018
Accepted 4 October 2018
Article Details
The views and opinions of the article appearing in this journal are those of the author. It is not considered a view and responsibility of the editorial staff.
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