The Adaptability to The Digital Economy of The Hard Disk Drive and Component Industries in Thailand.

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Sawai Cheursawathee


                This dissertation aimed to (1) study the internal factors in terms of human resource management and organizational management, the external factors in terms of competition and technology and the number of employees that affect the adaptability. (2) study the potential for adaptability in terms of production, supply chain management and marketing (3) provide guidance and apply factors that affect the adaptability to the digital economy of the hard disk drive and component industries in Thailand. The research population was based upon the number of people working in the hard disk drive industry. (Department of Industrial Works, 2560). Quantitative research samples were collected from 400 respondents and keyinformants from qualitative research were  9 industry executives.
                The research found that the adaptability to the digital economy of the hard disk drive and component industries in Thailand was at the highest level. The potential for adaptability in terms of marketing was at the highest level with the average of 4.33, followed by production adaptability with the average of 4.30 and the adaptability of supply chain management respectively. The factors in terms of human resources management, organizational management, technology and number of employees affected the adaptability to the digital economy of the hard disk drive and component industries in Thailand. The results of this research can be used as a guideline to apply the factors that affect adaptability to the digital economy of hard disk drive and component industries in Thailand.

Article history : Received 2 February 2018
                              Revised 16 May 2018
                              Accepted 18 May 2018
                              SIMILARITY INDEX = 0.00

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How to Cite
Cheursawathee, S. (2018). The Adaptability to The Digital Economy of The Hard Disk Drive and Component Industries in Thailand. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 5(1), 152–163.
Research Articles


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