The influence of the marketing mix affect loyalty in choosing a bank credit of commercial bank in Bangkok

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Surasaek Phonghanyudh


                This research aim to 1. Study loyalty in choosing a bank credit of commercial bank in Bangkok Classification on personal factor. 2. To study the influence of the marketing mix affect loyalty in choosing a bank credit of commercial bank in Bangkok. Sample customers include commercial banks of bank credit options in Bangkok were total of 402 cases. Using multi stage sampling with a separate districts of Bangkok into 6 administrative district with designated agents 6 districts then catch the list of commercial banks in each district. Data was collected from customers samples in each field of each bank 67 cases. Descriptive statistical analysis with the average percentage deviation according to Stats analysis One-way analysis of variance and statistical inference to test the hypothesis The influence of the marketing mix affect loyalty in choosing a bank credit of commercial bank in Bangkok using analysis structural equation model.
                The research found that
                1. The loyalty in choosing a bank credit of commercial bank in Bangkok Classification on personal factor were differences according to age, education, income and occupation.
                2. The marketing mix affect loyalty in choosing a bank credit of commercial bank in Bangkok were statistically significant (β = 0.88) By weight of the composition can show as follows Product (x = 0.14 ) Price (x = 0.15 ) Place (x = 0.18) Promotion (x = 0.45 ) People (x = 0.48 ) Physical Environment (x = 0.48 ) and Service process (x = 0.47).

Article history : Received 7 February 2018
                              Revised 10 March 2018
                              Accepted 19 March 2018
                              SIMILARITY INDEX = 5.44

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How to Cite
Phonghanyudh, S. (2018). The influence of the marketing mix affect loyalty in choosing a bank credit of commercial bank in Bangkok. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 5(1), 91–102.
Research Articles


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