The Development of Traceability System Using QR Code Technology and Retail Packaging of Pomelos in Nakhon Pathom Province
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The purposes of this research were to: 1) develop traceability system using QR code technology on retail packaging of pomelos in Nakhon Pathom province, and 2) develop packaging prototype for pomelos retail in Nakhon Pathom province. The procedure comprised 1) investigating state and need of traceability system using QR code technology, 2) investigating state and need of packaging prototype development of pomelos retail in Nakhon Pathom province, 3) development of traceability system using QR Code technology and retail packaging of pomelos in Nakhon Pathom province, and 4) evaluation of traceability system using QR Code technology and retail packaging of pomelos in Nakhon Pathom province.
The results found that:
1. Pomelo growers needed traceability system using QR Code technology and retail packaging of pomelos in Nakhon Pathom province to increase customers’ reliability which the results from system development were; 1) the satisfaction of 52 users of traceability system using QR Code technology was at a high level in aspect of system development met their demands for overall average at 4.02, and S.D. at 0.46. In aspect of working as system functions was at a high level for overall average at 4.18 and S.D. at 0.52, the ease of system use was at a high level for overall average at 4.06 and S.D. at 0.49, and information in the system security was at a high level for overall average at 3.94 and S.D. at 0.55, 2) the satisfaction of 400 system users who are received information through reading QR code was at a high level for overall average at 4.00 and S.D. at 0.21.
2. Pomelo growers and sellers needed effective packaging that pomelos can be packaged in, packaging is durable, material are environment safety, beautiful, convenience for sale, and pomelo information for consumers is clear, with 2 sizes that are 1) two pomelos in one package, 2) one pomelo in one package. 36 pomelo sellers satisfied about packaging prototype for pomelo retail type 1 at the most, packaging 2 pomelos, for overall average at 4.27 and S.D. at 0.76 which was at a high level.
Article history : Received 12 January 2018
Revised 4 April 2018
Accepted 8 April 2018
Article Details
The views and opinions of the article appearing in this journal are those of the author. It is not considered a view and responsibility of the editorial staff.
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