Marketing mix and purchasing behavior of small personal cars of consumers in Suphan Buri Province

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Siriwan Pathumsoot


                This research aimed to: 1) study the purchasing behavior of small personal cars of consumers in Suphan Buri Province; 2) study the importance level of marketing mix in purchasing small personal cars of consumers in Suphan Buri Province; 3) compare the marketing mix in purchasing small personal cars of consumers in Suphan Buri Province, as classified by personal factors; and 4) analyze the guidelines for promoting marketing mix in purchasing small personal cars of consumers in Suphan Buri Province. The sample was divided into 2 groups. The first group of questionnaire respondents consisted of 400 consumers of small personal cars in Suphan Buri Province, derived by quota sampling; and the second group of interviewees consisted of salespersons and managers from 5 car showrooms, totaling 10 persons, derived by purposive sampling. The research instruments were a questionnaire and an in-depth interview form constructed by the researcher. The IOC content validity of the questionnaire was between 0.67-1.00. The internal coefficients were 0.85 for product, 0.80 for price, 0.72 for place, and 0.76 for promotion. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and content analysis.
                The research results were as follows:
                1. Regarding purchasing behavior of small personal cars in Suphan Buri Province, most of the respondents selected to buy sedans. The purpose of purchase was using for their career. They mostly selected Toyota brand. Most of them made the decision themselves. The reason for purchasing personal car was suitability in use. The period of purchasing decision mostly was 1-3 months. The purchasing value was 550,001-650,000 baht. The type of payment they mostly chose was low-down payment with longest installment period.
                2. Overall the importance level of marketing mix in purchasing small personal car of consumers in Suphan Buri was at a high level. When considering each factor, all factors were at a high level. They were, in the descending order, price, place, product, and promotion.
                3. The consumers with difference in marital status and number of family member gave different importance in marketing mix in purchasing small personal car in Suphan Buri Province. However, there was no difference among consumers with difference in gender, age, education level, occupation, and monthly income.
                4. The guidelines for promoting marketing mix in purchasing small personal car of consumers in Suphan Buri were: In product factor, the car producers should develop product to be more in accordance with target group. Regarding price, it should be focused on sedans with energy saving qualification. In place factor, showrooms should be modernized and beautifully decorated to attract customers. The promotion factor should be focused most. The examples of marketing promotion were setting billboard in various places, advertising through television commercial and radio, creating public relations on the Internet, opening trade show booths, organizing promotion suitable for customers, providing good after-sale services and applying the same practice in all showrooms, and training salespersons about product knowledge and customer care.

Article history : Received 6 August 2017
                              Revised 27 September 2017
                              Accepted 29 September 2017
                              SIMILARITY INDEX = 1.09

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How to Cite
Pathumsoot, S. (2018). Marketing mix and purchasing behavior of small personal cars of consumers in Suphan Buri Province. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 5(1), 1–13.
Research Articles


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