Achievement of one Tambon One Product In Kanchanaburi province
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This dissertation is intended to (1) study the effectiveness of one Tambon One Product In Kanchanaburi province (2) Suggestions for improving the factors affecting the achievement of one Tambon one product project in Kanchanaburi province. To be more suitable. This research is a mixture of qualitative and quantitative research focusing on qualitative rather than quantitative research. The samples were interviewed by OTOP producers in the villages of OTOP, Nong Khao, Kanchanaburi province. And in-depth interviews with agencies related to the OTOP project in Kanchanaburi Province, and 5 research and evaluation reviews from government agencies to summarize the qualitative data for the evaluation of the OTOP project in Kanchanaburi. In quantitative research, the questionnaire was collected from the population of OTOP village, Nongkhae district, Kanchanaburi province, with a sample of 400 people using questionnaires and indepth interview to evaluate achievement and study factors affecting Tambon One Product Project
1. The results of the research show that the achievement of one Tambon one product is as follows. (1) Achievement in job creation. Create a community .Project performance 62.34 per cent of the study population generated employment and incomes, an increase of one percentage point from the original income, and from the former occupation and retirement or unemployed housewives. One product Primary occupation And still occupation of the original occupation. But produce one Tambon product. One product As a career supplement, income has increased. Both from product sales and average family income. It can be seen that most of all the jobs that were done when making a product in one Tambon One Product project resulted in the creation of a career. Make more money for people in the community. (2) Achievement in Strengthening Community.People in the community have common activities. And there are meetings each month. By the entrepreneur, the labor force in the community is the labor force to produce. The result of the project strengthens the community. Whether to build a self-reliant management network. Meetings discuss different issues. Any of the joint projects (3) Achievement in the promotion of local wisdom. Product manufacturing is a product of existing products that are built into higher priced products and The product of the new thinking. In addition, products derived from local wisdom inherited from the ancestors. And products derived from local wisdom come from elsewhere. However, entrepreneurs. Using more than 50% of the ingredients in the community to produce products, the project has helped to bring local wisdom into use. (4). Achievement in promoting human resources development. The owner of the business and the labor used in the production. Mostly women are created by networking. With the integration of each product group. Set up a committee or representative to coordinate. And there is an unofficial and uninterrupted activity
2. Factors affecting the achievement of one Tambon one important products are the policy to raise the standard of living. The villagers used the local wisdom to benefit. Making people know how to do business. Access to finance.
Article history : Accepted 31 May 2017
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The views and opinions of the article appearing in this journal are those of the author. It is not considered a view and responsibility of the editorial staff.
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