Revision Strategies of Chinese – Thai Medical Translation Relative to Newly Found Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic in Chinese Series "With You"

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Boonsita Areepong
Kanokporn Numtong


This research aimed at studying and analyzing the revision strategies of Chinese – Thai medical translation relative to newly found Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic in Chinese series "With You". The analysis involved Chinese – Thai translation of Episode 1 subtitles available on WeTV application and was presented in forms of descriptive analysis. The findings pointed out eight translation revision strategies proposed by Newmark (1988), most frequently employed strategies arranged in a descending order included faithful translation (37.87%), communicative translation (21.21%), literal translation (15.15%), and semantic translation (10.60%). Furthermore, it was found that multiple translation strategies were employed to translate a single sentence i.e., semantic expansion or word adding, word omission, transfer, politeness equivalence and word borrowing; for instance, a mixed-methods strategy of faithful translation and word omission or a mixed-methods strategy of communicative translation and semantic expansion. The findings additionally revealed that appropriate medical translation terminology required an understanding of word structure, word meaning, sentence meaning, correct usage of word and meaning in different contexts, and an understanding on vocabulary search of medical science word category for accurate and correct data usage.

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How to Cite
Areepong, B., & Numtong, K. (2024). Revision Strategies of Chinese – Thai Medical Translation Relative to Newly Found Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic in Chinese Series "With You". Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 25(3), 8–31. retrieved from
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