Tourism Elements and Development Approaches A Case of the Puak Taem Community in Chiang Mai, Thailand
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This qualitative research aimed at studying the tourism elements of the Puak Taem community and the ways, in which tourism can be developed in the area. Data collection included in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The data was obtained from the Puak Taem locals, entrepreneurs, and related governmental agencies, all of which were purposively selected. The data was then analysed using content analysis. The results indicated that the tourism elements of this community had been attractions, accessibilities, amenities, accommodations, activities, safety management, tourism marketing, and community involvement. In terms of the approaches to the development of cultural tourism, it was suggested that the community make improvements in terms of their attractions, local infrastructure, activities in the tourist attractions, safety, and marketing. The goals of these improvements are to give tourists a positive experience and a good impression of their trip. In addition, the goals are to create jobs and incomes for residents and thus, to empower the community, to improve the quality of life, and to foster a mindset of conservation that can sustainably preserve the resources, the local way of life, and the local culture.
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