Language Style and Presentation of Nation and Citizenship Concepts in Desana Sueapa
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This research aims to study the language style and the presentation of nation and citizenship concepts which are illustrated in Desana Sueapa, written by King Vajiravudh. The result found that the language styles that convey the nation and citizenship concepts of Desana Sueapa includes using words and phrases, sentences, and metaphors. In terms of words and phrases, it frequently uses words expressing the essence of the story, words showing modality, words or phrases normally used in Buddhist sermons, and words referring to the relevant persons in the context of communication. As for the sentence usage, it employs rhetorical Interrogative sentences, reasoning sentences, and repetitive structural sentences. It also applies metaphors about condition or feature, and metaphors about behavior or action. The styles cohesively present the nation and citizenship concepts: Thai nation consists of the nation, religion, and monarchy; Thai people must be responsible for their duties, be good Buddhists, and good citizens of the nation; and Thai people must behave according to moral principles for the benefit of the nation.
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