The Status of Knowledge Management to Enhance and Preserve Local Arts and Crafts A Case Study of Kolae Boat Model in the Foundation for the Promotion of Supplementary Occupations under the Royal Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen Sirikit in Khok Khian, Muang, Narathiwat Province
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This qualitative research article will investigate the status of knowledge management (KM) to enhance and preserve local arts and crafts: A case study of the Kolae boat model in the Foundation for the Promotion of Supplementary Occupations under the royal patronage of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit in Khok Khian, Muang, Narathiwat Province. The data were collected by two methods: in-depth interviews and brainstorming. Thirty-six key informants were assigned for in-depth interviews, and brainstorming was conducted twice, with 10 participants each time, totaling 20 informants. The data were analyzed to draw conclusions and validated during the interviews after the data collection. Then, the results of the analysis were presented descriptively.
The findings revealed that 1) knowledge is carried out as a cultural heritage and cultural representation of the community, 2) knowledge, regarding the Kolae boat, can be learned through community learning resources, consisting of personnel, architecture, and social media on social networks, 3) the acquisition of knowledge about the Kolae boat model is considered to be inherited from ancestors and has been developed into a cultural product. Beliefs, capitalism, and the impact of natural disasters have resulted in community cultural knowledge becoming dynamic. 4) Most knowledge is transferred through sharing experiences emphasizing application at the village level. The recipients still lack an understanding of community culture, while the community still lacks a knowledge transfer process and lacks support from all sectors, and 5) creating new knowledge must emphasize a learning plan, organizational structure, trainers or experts, and encouragement of the community to become a creative environment through community involvement in planning, action, evaluation, and feedback.
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