The Identity, humanity, and the last resort of marginalized people in Ba Jin’s novel Dog
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“I am not human. It is merely something of the same class as a dog.” The term “dog” not only refers to a type of animal but also to the definition of the protagonist in Ba Jin’s novel Dog.
This article aims to examine and analyze the main character's identity in Ba Jin's novel Dog, which offers a perspective on human dignity, rights, and sacred elements that marginalized individuals rely upon. With the concept of psychological identity, the hierarchy of human needs, the framework of human rights and human dignity. The findings reveal that the identity of the main character, who experiences social marginalization, is subject to distortion and devaluation. The remaining aspect is the identification as a “dog,” not a human, resulting in the inability to uphold human dignity and rights. When a person is pushed out of social space, the only remaining refuge is the sacred objects that did not repel the protagonist. The relationship between sacred objects and the marginalized protagonist is therefore significant. Moreover, it indicates that social change factors and the attitudes of society’s members have an impact on an individual’s life. Therefore, Ba Jin’s Dog reflects the aspect of society from the perspective of marginalized people who have been devalued and become a “dog”.
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