Self-view and experiences of tattooing among Thai young adult
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This research aims to understand Thai young adults' experiences with tattoos, focusing on their meanings, values, and their impact on self-perception and interactions with others. Using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), in-depth interviews were conducted with 7 participants (4 females), aged 21-29, all having more than one permanent tattoos. The analysis result yielded three key findings. Firstly, having tattoos promoted personal growth and enhancement in various aspects, including confidence in appearance, courage to engage in new experiences, sense of freedom to express one's true self, and personal development through learning from past mistakes. Secondly, participants expressed concerns about how others perceive them and their tattoos, especially in the family and the workplace, where negative judgments and biases on tattooed still exist. Lastly, the result reflected the younger generation's belief about the need and importance of changing physical appearance via meaningful tattoos. Also, it emphasized the need for social acceptance and respect from others when making decisions regarding their bodies. The findings shed light on the values and meanings attributed to tattoos from the perspective of individuals who possess them and also provided insights into the societal labeling that tattooed individuals have encountered.
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