Women, Mythologies, Legends, and Folklores in Buddhist and Taoist Philosophy Based on Ecofeminist Paradigms
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This article aims to analyze ecological concepts and stories about women in Buddhism and the Taoist philosophy of mythologies, legends, and folklore according to the ecofeminist paradigm. Based on this concept, people have realized the harmonious coexistence between humans and the ecological environment. The stories of mythologies, legends, and folklore of the two religions all reflect the fusion between man and nature. In particular, it honors the role of women who give birth to all living beings as well as the land in nature that gives birth to all things, affirming that both women and nature are one. This concept is deserving of implementation in order to rectify the male-dominated discourse that positions "Human" as the focal point of the universe and to foster the development of a more aesthetically pleasing and habitable global community.
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