Commercial Signs of Textile and Silver Shops in Mueang Nan District, Nan Province: A Linguistic Landscape Study
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The objective of this research is to analyze the use of language on textile and silver shops signs in Mueang Nan district, Nan Province in term of Linguistic Landscape. The total of 282 signs were purposively selected to the sample group of this research by choosing clear and visible signs inside and outside around the stores. The signs were analyzed using the conceptual framework proposed by Landry & Bourhis (1997) and Kaewbut & Muangkaew (2020). the research findings reveal that the mentioned area reflects a combination of various languages, including Thai, English, Northern Thai language, Lanna, and Chinese. The presence of English in the signage also reflects an international city and the acceptance of change to become part of global citizens, where everyone can connect with each other through a global language. Additionally, the analysis of language through various signs in textile and silver shops in the Mueang Nan District of Nan Province also demonstrates the diversity of people, language, culture, and ways of life interacting within the province. The occurrence of Northern Thai language reveals that Lanna identity and Thai still maintenance by Northern Thai among globalization.
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