A Study of China’s Measures and Problems in Safeguarding Folk Literature as Intangible Cultural Heritage

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Suphacha Sriratanaban


This article aims at analyzing China’s measures, problems, and solutions in safeguarding folk literature as intangible cultural heritage (ICH), by using the documentary research method. The research has found that China’s measures for safeguarding folk literature as ICH can be summarized as: 1) creating inventories of folk literature ICH; 2) protection of inheritors of folk literature; 3) collecting folk literature data; 4) research on and popularization of folk literature; 5) using folk literature as a resource for economic development. The problems and challenges encountered include: 1) changing socio-cultural context which is unfavorable for the preservation and transmission of folk literature; 2) methods of safeguarding which are detached from daily life; 3) shortage of inheritors of folk literature; 4) overemphasis on economic benefits; 5) conflicts resulted from the ICH registration system. Solutions that have been proposed include: 1) promoting transmission of living culture and protection of cultural ecology; 2) cultivating and providing support for inheritors of folk literature; 3) reasonable utilization of cultural heritage; 4) seeking measures to prevent conflicts.

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How to Cite
Sriratanaban, S. (2023). A Study of China’s Measures and Problems in Safeguarding Folk Literature as Intangible Cultural Heritage. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 24(3), 57–88. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JHUMANS/article/view/270329
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