Internal Locus of Control, Systems Thinking, Self-Compassion and Psychological Capital of Undergraduate Students

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Jutamas Kingchai
Chalermkwan Singhwee
Theerapat Wongkumsin


The purposes of this study were 1) to compare psychological capital by the different personal factors 2) to study the relationship between internal locus of control, systems thinking, self-compassion and psychological capital. The participants were undergraduate students of Kasetsart University at Bangkhen Main Campus, academic year 2022 selected by the multi-stage sampling leading to 648 in total. Research instruments consisted of personal factors questionnaires, internal locus of control questionnaires, systems thinking questionnaires, self-compassion questionnaires and psychological capital questionnaires. All data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient with statistical package.

The results illustrated that 1) students’ psychological capital had significantly different levels .001 on personal factors included gender, group of faculties, living with whom, and the amount of internet for learning, students’ psychological capital had significantly different levels .01 on personal factors included club and GPA, students’ psychological capital had significantly different levels .05 on personal factors included parent's education 2) internal locus of control had positively related to psychological capital at significant level .001 (r= .606, P=.000), systems thinking had positively related to psychological capital at significant level .001 (r= .356, P=.000) and self-compassion had positively related to psychological capital at significant level .001 (r= .271, P=.000)

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How to Cite
Kingchai, J., Singhwee, C. ., & Wongkumsin, T. . (2023). Internal Locus of Control, Systems Thinking, Self-Compassion and Psychological Capital of Undergraduate Students. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 24(3), 89–109. retrieved from
Research Articles



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