Conceptual Metaphors about City Development in Campaign Speeches by Chadchart Sittipunt during the Bangkok Governor Election: Conveying Ideologies through Metaphors

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Kritsana Su-ya-ai
Rachod Nusen


The purposes of this study were as follows: 1) to analyze conceptual metaphors and  metaphorical expressions about city development in campaign speeches by Chadchart Sittipunt during the Bangkok governor election in 2022, and 2) to discuss the role of conceptual metaphors in conveying ideologies in the campaign speeches of Chadchart Sittipunt during the Bangkok governor election. The researchers consulted related texts concerning the use of metaphors and recordings of Chadchart Sttipunt’s campaign speeches. The researchers used the concept of conceptual metaphors (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980) and Goatly’s functions of metaphors (1997) as the study’s conceptual framework.

The study found 7 conceptual metaphors about city development in the speeches. They were [CITY DEVELOPMENT IS A JOURNEY], [CITY DEVELOPMENT IS TAKING CARE OF HUMAN BODY], [CITY DEVELOPMENT IS CUTTING JEWELRY], [CITY DEVELOPMENT IS MAKING OBJECTS TRANSPARENT], [CITY DEVELOPMENT IS PLANTING], [CITY DEVELOPMENT IS MARATHON], and [CITY DEVELOPMENT IS DOING BUSINESS]. The most frequently used conceptual metaphor was [CITY DEVELOPMENT IS A JOURNEY] (20 metaphorical expressions). Moreover, in terms of the role of metaphors, the study revealed that the speaker’s speeches conveyed 4 ideologies, namely, 1) participatory democracy 2) capitalism, 3) anti-corruption and 4) welfare state.

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How to Cite
Su-ya-ai, K., & Nusen, R. . (2023). Conceptual Metaphors about City Development in Campaign Speeches by Chadchart Sittipunt during the Bangkok Governor Election: Conveying Ideologies through Metaphors. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 24(3), 153–172. retrieved from
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