Persuasive Language in the Advertising Discourse of Health Drinks and Supplements for Adults on the RS Mall Website: A Discourse Analysis Study
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Nowadays, there is an increase in advertising for health drinks and supplements for adults. This research article aims to study the elements of the advertising discourse of health drinks and supplements for adults and persuasive language strategies in the advertising discourse of these products. Data were collected from the RS Mall website in the first quarter, from January to March 2023. The findings revealed that product names, special promotions and rewards, product popularity, product prices, product information, main ingredients or extracts and certification standards are the important elements of the advertising discourse of health drinks and supplements for adults affecting the persuasiveness of the target consumers. Advertising producers usually use language as an important tool for persuasion. The persuasive language strategies found in this research include lexical or word choices, claims, presupposition and commissive speech act with the aim to make the target consumers recognize the importance, necessity and convenience of consuming health drinks and supplements. The credibility and confidence in the products can also be built, leading to the stimulation of healthy consumption behaviors.
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