Development of Scales for Assessing Sense of Integrity and Acts of Integrity Among Public Sector Personnel: The Chiang Mai University Context

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Veerawan Wongpinpech
Chatwiboon Peijsel
Tassanee Homkin
Polapat Charoenviangvetchakit


This research aimed to develop scales for assessing the sense and acts of integrity among public sector personnel within the context of Chiang Mai University and to investigate the predictive power of the sense of integrity on acts of integrity. The research adopted a mixed-method approach organized into 3 phases. Phase 1 involved qualitative research to delineate the definitions of the sense and acts of integrity, using data gathered through interviews with 11 Chiang Mai University administrators. Phase 2 involved the development of measures for the sense and acts of integrity using a sample of 817 Chiang Mai University staff and 352 public and private sector employees. Phase 3 consisted of hypothesis testing with 2 sample groups: Chiang Mai University staff and their direct superiors, each comprising 738 individuals. Data analysis for Phase 1 entailed content analysis, while Phase 2 and 3 employed the SmartPLS program to assess the psychometric properties of the measures, and hypothesis testing was conducted using a path analysis with AMOS version 29.

The results of Phase 1 found that the sense and acts of integrity consisted of 9 aspects, i.e., (1) honesty and having good faith, (2) transparency and verifiability, (3) having a sense of shame and fear of wrongdoing, (4) taking responsibility for one's duties and actions, (5) following rules and regulations, (6) opposing corruption, (7) not seeking or accepting illegal benefits, (8) not abusing power, and (9) protecting the benefit of organization. Research Phase 2 found that the developed measures exhibit appropriate psychometric properties. Research Phase 3 indicated that Chiang Mai University personnel demonstrate high levels of the sense and acts of integrity and that the sense of integrity has a direct influence on acts of integrity.

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How to Cite
SMITHIKRAI, C., Wongpinpech , V. ., Peijsel, C. ., Homkin, T. ., & Charoenviangvetchakit, P. . (2023). Development of Scales for Assessing Sense of Integrity and Acts of Integrity Among Public Sector Personnel: The Chiang Mai University Context. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 24(3), 31–56. retrieved from
Research Articles


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