An Analysis of Chinese Translation Errors on Tourist Service Text Signs in Nong Khai Province Tourist Attractions

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วัชรพล ศิริสุวิไล
วุฒิชัย สว่างแสง
ปรีมา ตันติพานิชธีระกุล
รัชนี ปิยะธำรงชัย
นิษา เรืองวงศ์วิทยา


This study aims to analyze the Chinese translation errors and causes of translation errors on text signs in the Nong Khai province area.  The data was collected from 25 Tourist attractions including relevant private and government organization and public signs in 4 research areas in Nong Khai; Mueang District, Tha Bo District, Sri Chiang Mai District and Sang Kom District. 27 text signs, containing the Chinese language, were found, and 5 of a total of 27 signs containing 27 errors. Based on an analysis of Chinese translation, it was found that the most common errors were mistranslation accounting for 48.15 percent, followed by over translation errors, under translation errors, proper word choice selection errors and structural and grammatical errors; these were 18.52, 7.41, 18.52 and 7.41 percent, respectively. Based on an analysis of the cause of translation errors; literal translation, using translation tools and programs, the lack of understanding of word usage, source language ambiguity and the languages structural differences were found as causes of translation errors.

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ศิริสุวิไล ว., สว่างแสง ว. ., ตันติพานิชธีระกุล ป. ., ปิยะธำรงชัย ร. ., & เรืองวงศ์วิทยา น. . (2023). An Analysis of Chinese Translation Errors on Tourist Service Text Signs in Nong Khai Province Tourist Attractions. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 24(1), 84–102. retrieved from
Research Articles



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