An Attitude System Analysis of Messages about Tax on Twitter

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Witchatkarn Maythawiriyakul
Phennapha Klaisingto


This research paper studied the interpersonal metafunction of the language that appears in the messages about tax posted by Thai people on Twitter. The objective of this research was to analyze the system of attitude manifested in the messages about tax on Twitter. The sample consisted of 1,447 tweets about tax between 2019 and 2020. The system of attitude analysis of Martin and Rose (2003, 2007) and Martin and White (2005) was applied in the data analysis of this research. The results showed that “Judgement” occurred at the highest rate, with 704 utterances (42%) mostly criticism of the capacity of the public officials. The second highest frequency was “Affect”, with 532 utterances (32%) mostly unhappiness of the message authors. The lowest frequency was “Appreciation”, with 441 utterances (26%) mostly negative reaction to the government. In addition, the results of the research revealed that there were two main ideas about tax: 1) taxation and government or public officials and 2) taxation and citizen.

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How to Cite
Maythawiriyakul, W., & Klaisingto, P. (2023). An Attitude System Analysis of Messages about Tax on Twitter. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 24(1), 103–126. retrieved from
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