COVID-19 (disease) WAR: A conceptual metaphor of Thai and global society reflected in Thai online newspapers

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เอกพล ดวงศรี


This research aims to study metaphorical expressions reflecting conceptual metaphor [COVID-19 IS WAR] and to study functions of conceptual metaphor in Thai online newspapers based on cognitive linguistics and pragmatic framework. Metaphorical expressions were randomly collected from Thai newspapers published online during the Coronavirus 2019 crisis from January 2020 to June 2021. The findings revealed that 162 metaphorical expressions compared COVID-19 with a war, and these expressions were classified into eight meaning groups. This conceptual metaphor revealed three functions: (1) ideational functions;
(2) interpersonal functions; and (3) textual functions. Moreover, these conceptual metaphors reflect various meanings such as the spread of COVID-19 is an invasion COVID-19 is a human crime that must be eradicated, and doctors, medical personnel, and vaccines are supporters.

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How to Cite
ดวงศรี เ. (2023). COVID-19 (disease) WAR: A conceptual metaphor of Thai and global society reflected in Thai online newspapers. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 24(1), 226–251. retrieved from
Research Articles



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