Tattoo Narratives : Life Stories and Identity Construction

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Rungnapa Naksompan
ไชยันต์ สกุลศรีประเสริฐ


The purpose of this research was to examine the life stories reflected through the individual's tattoos and to understand the process of identity construction through the individual's tattoos. This study was qualitative research using narrative analysis in accordance with McAdams’s (2006) theory and methodology. A total number of 6 key informants participated in the study. The findings indicated the main argument of the study, which is that tattoos are not only a fashion choice for body decoration but tattoos are symbols that express people’s identity, self, and life stories. There were 3 themes identified to support the main argument; 1) tattoo as a process of personal identity expression, 2) tattoo as a process of negotiation with social norms, and 3) Tattoo narratives as the process of transitions and healing of the self.

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How to Cite
Naksompan , R., & สกุลศรีประเสริฐ ไ. (2023). Tattoo Narratives : Life Stories and Identity Construction. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 24(1), 204–225. retrieved from
Research Articles


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