Factors Effecting Creation of Ethical Values of Thai Adolescent

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Wanwisa Chaiyo


The purposes of this research were to : 1) to study the ethical values ​​of Thai adolescents 2) to study the factors affecting the ethical values ​​of Thai adolescents 3) to find a solution to the problem of inappropriate ethical values ​​among Thai adolescents. The samples used in this research were undergraduate student Chiang Mai University, Academic Year 2021. The sample size was calculated according to Yamane's formula (Yamane, 1973) at the statistical significance level of 0.05 for 396 students and performed stratified sampling, classified by field of study into 3 groups: the field of Health Sciences, Science and Technology and Humanities and Social sciences which represent Thai adolescents to answer the questionnaire and 20 people were purposive sampling, divided into 10 males and 10 females, to answer in-depth interviews. The tools used for data collection are questionnaires and In-depth interviews. The statistics used to analyze the data are Frequency distribution, percentage (Percentage), standard deviation (S.D.), correlation coefficient between factors, t-test and F-test.

          The results of the research showed that 1) the ethical values ​​of Thai adolescents Overall, the values ​​in all 4 areas are in the level of agreement was very high on two aspects, namely discipline and honesty and was at a moderately agreeable level in 2 aspects, namely consumerism and sacrifice. 2) Factors affecting the ethical values ​​of Thai adolescents were: Parents’ Occupation Affects Moral Values ​​in Consumerism, GPA influences ethical values ​​of discipline and integrity and gender influences ethical values ​​of selflessness. Various personal factors does not affect different ethical values. 3) Approaches to solving the problem of inappropriate ethical values ​​among Thai adolescents such as families, educational institutions, organizing activities to promote morality and ethics and mass media to promote ethical values.

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How to Cite
Chaiyo, W. (2023). Factors Effecting Creation of Ethical Values of Thai Adolescent. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 24(1), 176–203. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JHUMANS/article/view/263636
Research Articles
Author Biography

Wanwisa Chaiyo, Chiang Mai university



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