Long stay of Japanese Seniors in Chiang Mai Provincial under the Covid-19 Pandemic

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Walaiporn Kanjanakaroon
Papontee Panyo
Ryota Wakasone
Chonrada Nunti


The research on “Long stay of Japanese Seniors in Chiang Mai Provincial under the Covid-19 Pandemic” aimed to 1) Study the factors influencing the long stay of the Japanese seniors in Chiang Mai province under the Covid-19 pandemic 2) Study the socio-economic effects of a long stay of the Japanese seniors in Chiang Mai province under the Covid-19 Pandemic and 3) Study the guidelines for the development of Chiang Mai Province to accommodate the long stay of the Japanese seniors under the Covid-19 pandemic. This study collected the data from interviews with 5 Japanese seniors and 5 Thai people in Chiang Mai province then the results from the interview were created as a questionnaire. After that the questionnaires were distributed to the target group of Japanese seniors and Thai, 100 sets each, totaling 200 sets. The results showed under the Covid-19 pandemic Japanese seniors still have confidence in Chiang Mai's public health systems. Moreover, good climatic factors, the friendliness of the Chiang Mai people are positive factors that have made Japanese seniors decide to choose Chiang Mai as a long-term residence during their retirement. Entrepreneurs have been affected by the decline in service usage among Japanese seniors due to the spread of COVID-19. In addition, guidelines for the development of Chiang Mai Province should build confidence in Japanese seniors for long stays by accelerating the problem of air pollution, preparing the public health, convenience in daily life and communication. 

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How to Cite
Kanjanakaroon, W., Panyo, P., Wakasone, R. ., & Nunti, C. (2022). Long stay of Japanese Seniors in Chiang Mai Provincial under the Covid-19 Pandemic . Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 23(2), 179–196. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JHUMANS/article/view/257979
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