A Study on Translation Strategies of Metaphors in the Korean Novel Palsip Yi Nyeon Saeng Kim Jiyeong into Thai

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Sayamon Sornsuwannasri


This study aims to analyze metaphors used in Korean novel Palsip Yi Nyeon Saeng Kim Jiyeong written by Cho Nam-joo, and to analyze the metaphors translation strategies in Thai version translated by Trongsiri Thongkhamsai. The results reveal that 79 metaphors were used in Korean version. In Thai version, the translator applied 5 translation strategies respectively. The word-for-word translation was applied 31 times (34.44%), the free translation was applied 28 times (31.11%), the equivalent translation was applied 18 times (20.00%), the metaphor-to-simile translation was applied 12 times (13.33%), and the omission was applied 1 time (1.11%).

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How to Cite
Sornsuwannasri, S. (2022). A Study on Translation Strategies of Metaphors in the Korean Novel Palsip Yi Nyeon Saeng Kim Jiyeong into Thai. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 23(1), 96–121. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JHUMANS/article/view/252417
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