Life and family of Thai middle-class women and the formation of a new emotional regime

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Sittithep Eaksittipong
Saichol Sattayanurak


Dramatically changing lifestyles and social relationships have given middle-class women new values and emotions. That resulted in “emotional suffering” two dimensions overlap. One dimension comes from trying to conform the emotional standards that still influence society, but not able to behave completely. Another dimension comes from following new emotions, but unable to achieve the new dreams. The reason is that they still have to live under the same power relationship and family value system              

The growing "emotional sufferings" has led middle-class women to many forms of "emotional refuge" that responds to each group of women with different proportions of old and new emotional regime; These “emotional refuge” not only help relieve “emotional suffering”, but a place for cultivating "new emotional regime" to be more powerful as well.              

Although some modifications to the values ​​and emotional systems of middle-class women are limited. But some women have been able to strongly counter and oppose the traditional values ​​and emotional regimes in society. To insist on rights, liberties, and equality, especially in the sexuality and work that establishes the new identity of these middle-class women.

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How to Cite
Eaksittipong, S., & Sattayanurak, S. (2021). Life and family of Thai middle-class women and the formation of a new emotional regime. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 22(3), 188–212. retrieved from
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