Chinese Women's Image on Chinese Social Media

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Pairin Srisinthon


This research aimed to study Chinese women images in the  coronavirus (COVID -19) context through social medias by  meaning construction and mythologies approach. The results showed  that Chinese women images  appearing in the social medias were the forms of 1.“white fairy” with the mission to help humanity; 2. grassroots women with big family harmony  3. the betrayer of  coronavirus (COVID -19) context. The image of most Chinese women presented by Chinese social media has changed  in  accordance with the society and periods. It reflected that the Chinese social medias and government’s media   successfully  in creating Chinese women images and bringing women to  survival discourse in the midst of a crisis. The authority to disseminate control over these medias  is the Chinese government. It interpreted that femininity amid this crisis was a "gender” condition made in society by institutions where men are producers. In the other hand, those who  opposed  the male monarchy  liked  the writer  named "Fang Fang" may be overwhelmingly empowered and reduced  her potential for expression.

Keywords: Chinese women, social media, monarchy, meaning construction, image



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How to Cite
Srisinthon, P. (2022). Chinese Women’s Image on Chinese Social Media. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 23(1), 344–368. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Pairin Srisinthon

สำนักวิชาศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยวลัยลักษณ์


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