Problem of Secularization concept and Vipassana Meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka in Thailand

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สฤษดิ์ สิริธีรธำรง


In this article I will argue with Eurocentrism concept of secularization which explain the historical process to modernity, when society processed to modernity will lead to the separation of state and religious. The studied found that, Eurocentrism concept of secularization cannot explain the case of Thailand because the process to modernity of Thailand does not lead to the separation of state and religious, but religious seamlessly growth under the political body of Thai’s state instead. In this sense, the secularization process of Thailand means to deinstitutionalization of religious and rationalized religious through the hybridization between religious and science. I will illustrate Thailand’s secularization process through Goenka’s Vipassana group in Thailand to give an example.

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สิริธีรธำรง ส. (2022). Problem of Secularization concept and Vipassana Meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka in Thailand. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 23(1), 188–208. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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