Awareness of the Wealth Gap among Thai and Japanese University Students Through an Intercultural Exchange Program

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Panida Anantanakom
Makiko Hashinaga
Don Hinkelman
Akihiro Sato


This research project is aimed to identify the awareness among Thai and Japanese university students of socio-economic issues impacting the development of communities through the experience of cultural exchange with urban families and rural village school communities in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The impact of this program is studied qualitatively using individual surveys, activity analysis with photo data, and teacher observation. Results indicated students discovered an alternate view of wealth. This research project examines the impact of international cultural exchange in understanding the ‘wealth gap’ among university students and identifies the educational factors that led to increased awareness. The most influential factors for university students’ changes in awareness were related to village visits and homestays, which changed students’ preconceptions of what a fair and just society is. Students realized that wealth is not only a financial aspect but they also experienced wealth in human relations, an important factor of Gross National Happiness (GNH).

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How to Cite
Anantanakom, P., Hashinaga, M., Hinkelman, D., & Sato, A. (2021). Awareness of the Wealth Gap among Thai and Japanese University Students Through an Intercultural Exchange Program. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 22(2), 178–195. retrieved from
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